We believe that everyone should be safe and that swimming is a vital skill that should be taught in a fun, sociable, and engaging environment.
Every teacher at our swim school is incredibly passionate, providing high quality, attentive, and fun lessons which have been specifically designed to help the swimmer progress.
How much do our swimming lessons cost?
Lesson | Price | |
Group Swimming Lessons – Children |
Weekly lessons from £27.99 per month with our Direct Debit easy payment scheme |
Child Private Lessons also available |
Please call 01475 797979 (Option 2) or email swimschool@inverclydeleisure.com |
Adult Private Lessons also available |
Please call 01475 797979 (Option 2) or email swimschool@inverclydeleisure.com |
Our Direct Debit plan is the best way to manage your Active Swimming Lesson membership. This plan gives you excellent benefits, including:
- Automatic re-enrolment – no queuing to book spaces
- Affordable monthly payments
- No annual contract
- No cancellation fees
Inverclyde Leisure deliver and offer 50 weeks of lessons per year (lessons run during holidays – except Christmas and New Year). We guarantee a minimum of 48 weeks of lessons per year to our Direct Debit members.
For more information please call 01475 797979 (Option 2) or email swimschool@inverclydeleisure.com
The standard office hours of the Swim School are:
Day | Office Hours |
Monday | 8am - 3pm |
Tuesday | 8am - 3pm |
Wednesday | 8am - 3pm |
Thursday | 8am - 3pm |
Friday | 8am - 3pm |
Saturday & Sunday | CLOSED |

Swim School Levels and Exit Criteria
Our swim school team assess swimmers against specific Scottish Swimmers criteria. Our swim pathway allows you to see how your child is progressing in their swimming ability as they progress through each level.
Adult and Baby
0 - 12 months
To introduce the adult and baby to the water. Develop the adult’s confidence and skills to ensure the safe handling of the baby in the water.
Exit criteria:
- Demonstrate safe pool entries and exits
- Demonstrate three progressive supports/holds in both prone and supine position
- Demonstrate rotation of baby from back to front/front to back in a horizontal/vertical position
- Baby’s arm and leg movements are relaxed
- Baby demonstrates ease with water near/over their face and will attempt to blow bubbles
Adult and Toddler
12 - 24 months
To encourage independent movement and develop toddlers’ water confidence and core aquatic skills through structured play.
Exit criteria:
- Demonstrate an independent standing and sitting entry into the pool with an adult in the water
- Independently place face in the water and blow bubbles into the water
- Float on front and back with or without buoyancy aids
- Rotate between front and back lying positions
- Push off wall to reach adult support on front and back
- Demonstrate a continuous leg action on front and back
- Show front and back paddle
- Exit the water safely with adult support
Adult and Child
24 - 36/42 months
To further develop the core aquatic skills through structured play and develop the independence necessary for the next level (without an adult in the water).
Exit criteria:
- Make an independent standing and sitting entry into the pool with an adult in the water, nearby but not supporting
- Jump in and turn around, return to wall, monkey to steps and climb out
- Exit the pool safely without using the steps
- Blow an object across the surface of the water for 2 metres
- With buoyancy aids, rotate 360 degrees in a vertical position
- From front lying position rotate 180 degrees around horizontal axis to back lying position
- Float with buoyancy aids on front and back for a minimum 5 seconds
- Use arms and legs to travel in any direction for approximately 5 metres
3 - 4 years
To become more water confident and develop core aquatic skills (without adult assistance but with buoyancy aids as required).
Exit criteria:
- Enter and exit the pool safely without assistance
- Display aquatic breathing with full submersion (blow bubbles through mouth and nose)
- Fully submerge body
- Float on front and back with or without a buoyancy aid
- Demonstrate streamlining on front and back with or without a buoyancy aid
- Travel 5 metres on front or back with or without a buoyancy aid
- Jump in without assistance
- Demonstrate three different movements across the pool
Swim Skills 1
To further develop water confidence and develop core aquatic skills without buoyancy aids.
Exit criteria:
- Float on front and back without a buoyancy aid
- Demonstrate a mushroom float
- Demonstrate a push and glide
- Kick on front and back with or without a float for 10 metres
- Swim a minimum of 10 metres consistently demonstrating front crawl
- Swim a minimum of 10 metres consistently demonstrating backstroke
- Rotate from floating position front to back and back to front
- Demonstrate a sculling action
- Demonstrate repetitive bobbing for 30 seconds
- Confidently swim 10 meters in 1.1 meter depth
Swim Skills 2
To increase the competency of the core aquatic skills and develop basic stroke technique.
Exit criteria:
- Demonstrate a push and glide with leg kick for 5 metres holding streamline position
- Kick on front and back for a minimum 15 metres
- Swim front crawl with regular breathing for a minimum 15 metres
- Swim backstroke consistently for a minimum 15 metres
- Demonstrate breaststroke leg kick
- Scull for 10 metres headfirst on back whilst supported
- Headfirst surface dive to collect object on bottom of pool (minimum depth 1.2 metres)
Swim Skills 3
Introduce more advanced stroke technique and achieve Scotland Safer Swimmer (Triple S) standard.
Exit criteria:
- Swim on front and perform a somersault, finishing in a streamlined position
- Swim 25 metres front crawl and backstroke consistently maintaining correct technique
- Demonstrate breaststroke with simultaneous leg and arm action
- Demonstrate basic butterfly technique
- Travel 5 metres with an undulating body action
- Tread water for 30 seconds waving one hand above the head to attract attention
- Enter and exit the pool without using the steps
- Scull for 10 metres
- Complete the Triple S award
Swim Skills 4
To improve the quality of stroke technique, introduce multi aquatic skills/disciplines and basic lifesaving skills.
Exit criteria:
- Swim minimum 50 metres of front crawl demonstrating push and glide, competent technique with bi-lateral breathing, high elbow, and reach and pull
- Swim minimum 50 metres of backstroke demonstrating push and glide, good technique, steady head position, and rolling of the shoulders round the long axis
- Swim minimum 50 metres of breaststroke demonstrating push and glide, good technique, and basic undulation
- Swim minimum 15 metres of butterfly demonstrating push and glide, competent technique, and basic undulation
- Perform a dive with transition to any stroke
- Perform a straddle jump and tread water for 45 seconds
Swim Academy
To improve and maintain stroke technique over distance and develop basic training and race skills, producing a swimmer who is ‘Club Ready’.
Exit criteria:
- Swim 100 metres of both front crawl and backstroke, maintaining efficient technique and incorporating race skills
- Swim 50 metres of breaststroke, maintaining efficient technique and incorporating race skills
- Swim 25 metres of butterfly, maintaining efficient technique and incorporating race skills
- Attempt 100 metres individual medley whilst incorporating race skills
- Understand lane discipline and use of timing clock
Adult Beginner
To become water confident and develop core aquatic skills (without assistance but with buoyancy aids as required).
Exit criteria:
- Enter and exit the pool safely without assistance
- Display aquatic breathing while fully submerged 3 times (blowing bubbles through mouth and nose)
- Float on front and back with or without a buoyancy aid
- Streamline on front and back with or without a buoyancy aid
- Travel 5 metres without a buoyancy aid
- Demonstrate a push and glide without a buoyancy aid
- Kick on front and back with a float for 10 metres
Adult Improver
To further develop core aquatic skills without buoyancy aids and develop basic stroke technique.
Exit criteria:
- Push and glide with leg kick for 5 metres holding streamline position
- Kick on front and back for a minimum 15 metres
- Consistently swim front crawl with proper breathing for a minimum 15 metres
- Consistently swim backstroke for a minimum 15 metres
- Demonstrate breaststroke leg kick
- Demonstrate a sculling action
- Headfirst surface dive to collect object on bottom of pool (minimum depth 1.2 metres)
- Show rotation from floating position front/back and back/front
- Tread water for 15 seconds
Waterfront Leisure Complex
Our Waterfront Leisure Complex has the facilities to suit any swimmer at any stage of their swimming journey. There’s a children’s pool for the little ones, and 25m main pool for those who are more advanced.
Port Glasgow Swimming Pool
Learn to swim in a family-friendly atmosphere in our Port Glasgow Swimming Pool. The 20m main swimming pool also has excellent disabled access.